Six-Pack abs aren’t something that can be achieved by following a specific plan, no matter how detailed that plan may seem. There are just too many external influences at play. Along with the things you can control, like your food, workout routine, and sleep schedule. Your genetics, gender, and stress levels also play a role in looking lean.
These are the most common myths about having six-pack abs:
Myth #1: Carbohydrates destroy abs
Carbs are a vital source of energy that your body needs to function properly. It is therefore not true that carbs are responsible for destroying your abs. However, fast-digesting carbs such as white bread, potatoes, and sugary drinks might cause an insulin spike, which can prevent fat loss from occurring. Avoid junk foods and opt for healthier options like brown rice, whole-grain, fruits, veggies, and legumes.
Myth #2: Exercise can make up for a bad diet
No matter how many crunches you perform on the treadmill, you’ll never acquire toned abs if you keep eating the same way you always have. If you don’t follow a healthy diet, you won’t see the results of your labor. Throw out the processed food and replace it with lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, fresh fruits, and veggies.
Myth #3: Supplement is good for abs
Fat-burning supplements such as green tea won’t make your belly fat disappear overnight. Unfortunately, for the majority of us, there are no shortcuts to getting ripped abs. We need a rigorous workout routine, a healthy diet, and plenty of rest to achieve our goals.
Myth #4: You should do crunches and sit-ups for the best results
In reality, these exercises are low-energy movements, which means they burn comparatively few calories. Focus on the big calorie-burning exercises such as compound moves to show off your six-pack. If you want to lose weight in your stomach, you’ll need to burn more calories overall.
Myth #5: Abs should be worked every day
Just like any other muscle group in the body, the core muscles (particularly the abdominals) require enough rest to effectively develop. If you want to see the best results, be sure to incorporate rest days when you work those muscles.
Your muscles need at least one day to recover from weight training, and the same is true for your abs. Alternate days instead of training back-to-back. A break is necessary for them as well. The trick is to put them through a lot of hard work.
Myth #6: Go Fast and Intense
A slow or moderate speed is always preferable when working out the core – never, ever fast. Because your movements will be more controlled, you won’t have to depend as much on momentum to move forward.
Myth #7: Anyone can have a flat stomach
For many people, achieving a flat stomach is not physiologically possible. This means that most people’s abs have an undulating shape as opposed to a flat one. Many elements influence the size of the stomach as well as its appearance.
Don’t let yourself get fooled by these seven common ab myths. If you use scientifically based training strategies, you’ll be able to achieve shredded abs.