Incline Bench Pull


Type: Strength
Mechanics: Isolation
Equipment: Bench, Barbell
Main Muscle Worked: Back
Detailed Muscle Group: Middle Back
Secondary: Biceps
Level: Intermediate

Incline bench pull instructions:

  1. Grab a barbell or dumbbell in each hand and lie face down on a bench set to a 45-degree incline, and position your feet either side for stability.
  2. Let your arms hang down by your sides fully extended as they point to the floor, then turn the wrists until your hands have a pronated grip.
  3. Lift either the barbell or dumbbells toward your face until the upper arms are at the same level as your back.
  4. Hold for a count, then return back down slowly to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.