How To Plan a Well-Balanced Exercise Plan?


Besides helping you lose weight and build muscle mass; a well-planned exercise plan will also help you increase strength and flexibility. When it comes to your bodybuilding workout plan, setting goals can help you get optimum results, regardless of whether you are a professional bodybuilder or you just enjoy working out at the gym. Don’t forget to set a high bar for yourself, while remaining realistic.

Preparation is the key to reaching your goals. When planning your bodybuilding workout goals define your aim in a positive, specific manner. Performance-oriented goals are preferable to outcome-oriented goals because they are more likely to be achieved. Don’t make winning a competition one of your goals because you have no control over other people’s routines. As an example, you might want to increase muscle mass or reduce body fat. This type of goal can be achieved whether or not you are competing.

Planning ahead of time helps you keep organized and on track. Putting it in writing makes it more formal and increases the chances that you will follow through with it. It’s important to add short-term goals that will help you achieve your major long-term goal. Making smaller goals out of your main aim makes it easier to stay on track with your bodybuilding workout routine.

Achieve your principal goal by setting an end date. If you don’t have a deadline, it’s simple to delay your bodybuilding workout plan. Keep a record of each effective workout you finish. When you reach your long-term goal, reward yourself.

Including a good warm-up period is the most critical part of the planning process. Your performance will increase as a result of warming up. Leg bends, leg swings, shoulder/arm circles, jumping jacks, jumping rope, lunges, are examples of cardio warm-up exercises, as well as standing side bends, butt kickers, and ankle circles. If you’d prefer not to lift heavy weights, another option is to lift light weights with a lot of repetitions.

Depending on your goals or body parts that need improvement, you will be guided through the next level of your program. For example, Pull-up, Hammer Curls, Alternating Dumbbell Curl, EZ-Bar French Press, Triceps Dips, or Triceps Extension will work your arms to exhaustion. If you want to build muscle on your chest, do workouts like the Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Decline Press, Machine Chest Press, Push-Up, Dip, and the Chest Fly.

Perform each exercise with caution to prevent injury. Fewer reps but more sets and heavier weights can help you gain muscle mass. Rest at least one minute between sets. Eating right and drinking lots of fluids are other crucial parts of your workout plan.


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