The push press is intended to improve shoulder and upper-body strength, as well as lower-body and core power and stability. The push press is a more advanced form of the overhead press that requires the engagement of the entire body. When the lower body is included in the lift, it is possible to generate great amounts of power against heavy loads. It can be utilized to go beyond a stumbling block or to build strength for the Clean and Jerk.
Driving the weight overhead with your feet, knees, and hip will helps to strengthen and stimulate your quadriceps and glutes. The push press not only strengthens your upper body, and lower body but also works your core as you drive up and then hold the weight overhead with your arms extended. In a brief, it has plenty of other advantages that you’ll notice in everyday life as well as at the gym. Push press repetitions can improve a lifter’s capability to fully utilize the enormous power of their lower body. When opposed to the military press, lifting greater weight overhead helps build bigger shoulders and triceps.
Push Press Instructions
The push press is an overhead press variation in which the legs are used to generate force. To begin the lift, bend the legs into an athletic dip position, then extend the body quickly to propel the weight overhead. The lift is completed when the bar is held overhead and both arms and legs are straight. The weight is then slowly lowered back to the chest or dropped from overhead to initiate the movement’s momentum. It’s also possible to use it behind the neck. However, because of the greater risk of injury, behind the neck push presses are not suggested.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grip the barbell with a full grip slightly wider than shoulder-width, elbows pointing forward. The bar should be resting on the front of your shoulders. Squat down and center your weight under the barbell in a shallow squat. Drive the bar directly above your head until your arms are straight, pressing up through your heels. Lower the bar to your chest while keeping your spine in a neutral arch throughout the movement. Repeat for as many sets as desired.